
Moving On...Again!

Time for a new blog.  Again!  Ran out of picture space here so click on the link to visit our new page!


Priesthood Preview

Last night was our Ward's Aaronic Priesthood Preview for all the boys turning 12 next year.  It's still surreal to me that I have a son this age.  I don't feel old enough.  The Bishop said something tonight that really made me think.  He was asking the boys what power the world was created with, Jesus' raised the dead with, the sacrament is blessed with.  Of course, the answer was the Priesthood.  Then he said, "It's sobering to think that when you become a Deacon, you will pass the sacrament, the same thing Christ did.  Makes it seem more serious, doesn't it?".  I'd never thought of that before.  Christ passed the sacrament to His disciples.  Now, the young men pass the sacrament, using his authority and acting as his hands.  That thought just seemed to stick out at me tonight.

I'm so glad for the example Sean sets for me each day.  Almost every night he will remind me that we need to pray.  He willingly and without complaint gets up early for church each Sunday.  He's reverent during Primary (which is saying a lot when you think about how large our Primary is).  He was so excited to go to the meeting tonight.  He's excited to grow up.  I just hope it doesn't happen too quickly.  I hope the next 12 years go by a lot slower than the last 12 have.


Sleeping Angel

I'm a little addicted to pictures of Ava sleeping.  You can't tell, can you?


Disney on Ice

Lyle's cousin works for some type of promotion company out in Chicago and his Mom (Lyle's Aunt Julie) called Lyle's Mom (anyone confused yet?) and asked if all the kids/grandkids would like to go to Disney on Ice.  Heck yeah!  So off we went Thursday night for some good, Disney fun. 

Ava was so excited to see the princesses.  She asked us every two minutes during the entire hour long drive downtown if we were going to see the princesses.  She wanted to see, "eh-rel", "seeping booty", "tink-bell", "the one with the bow" (Snow White) and "the blue one" (Cinderella).  All the little girls were adorable, screaming and yelling character names whenever they came on the ice.

Sean wasn't overly thrilled with the whole thing, until the Toy Story army men came out.  He loved those.  And the Mulan fighting scene. LOL 

Ava didn't take her eyes off the ice the entire night.  She wanted to go down there so badly, she kept saying, "Ava skate on the ice too.  Yeah?". 

During Intermission, Ava gave me kisses while Sean and Lucas went to get me some popcorn.

It was a fun night and not something I would've normally even thought about doing.  So grateful for Lyle's Mom and Aunt Julie for arranging the tickets for us.  Thank you!


Tender Sunset

The Lord gives us so many daily tender mercies.  All we need to do is be aware of them.  Recognize them.  Open our hearts and our spiritual eyes to see the bigger picture.  This gorgeous sunset greeted me as I came over the pass this evening and it literally took my breath away.  This world is so amazingly beautiful.


Primary Program

Sean has his final Primary Program tomorrow.  It's sad to think my boy is no longer a...boy.  He's a young man and will be headed into the Young Men's program in only a few short months.  Another priesthood holder will be in my home and I feel incredibley blessed.  He's such a sweet boy and tries so hard to choose the right.  He's a great big brother to Ava and loves her so much!  Today was the practice for the program, and after it was over, the kids had a pizza party.  Sean helped Ava eat her pizza and cookie and was just awesome overall. Sure love this kid.